Basics of Cascading Style Sheets

Basics of Cascading Style Sheets
Cascading Style Sheets(CSS in short) is a language used to change the format of the static HTML web pages. Cascading means including multiple style sheets into an HTML page. Styles sheets are used to load a bundle of CSS properties into the HTML page to make the layout somewhat colorful.

Lets learn more about CSS syntax,properties, types in a easy Q & A model.

Basics of CSS

What is the basic syntax of CSS?

[HTML Element] { list of CSS properties : value combination with ‘;’ separated }
Div { font-size: 10px; color: Red;}   

What is selector and types of selectors in CSS?

Selector’ is to identify the HTML element in CSS. There are three types of selectors are available.

1.  HTML element selector

2.  ID selector

3.  Class selector

Now we can learn how each selector works:

1.HTML element selector
In this type of selector, we can apply the styles directly to the HTML element like below <p>,<div>,<h1> tags.
p {color: blue;}
div {color:red;font-size:10px;}
h1 {color:black;text-align:center;}
<p> this is Paragraph in blue color</p>
this is div in red
this is header 1 in black

2. ID selector
In this type of selector, we can provide the ID attribute of the HTML element with ’#’(hash)
#para1 {color: blue;}
#div1 {color:red;font-size:10px;}
#header1 {color:black;text-align:center;}
<p id=”para1”> this is Paragraph in blue color</p>
<div id=”div1”>
this is div in red
<h1 id=”header1”>
this is header 1 in black

3.Class selector

In this type of selector, we can provide the class attribute of the HTML element with ‘.’(dot).

This selector is useful, in case of the same style applicable to multiple HTML elements. 

In the below example, all the tags content<p>,<div>, and <h1> display in blue color.

.class1 {color: blue;}
<p class = ”class1”> this is Paragraph in blue color</p>
<div class = ”class1”> this is div in red</div>
<h1 class = ”class1”> this is header 1 in black</h1>

How many ways we can include CSS styles in the HTML page?

There are three ways we can include or define the CSS  within the HTML page.

1.Inline CSS

In this approach, define the CSS style within the HTML element.

HTML code:

<div style="color:tomato;"> // CSS style defined with in the HTML element
This is Div Tag. Content in Div is in yellow color using inline CSS style.
This is Div Tag. Content in Div is in tomato Red using inline CSS style

2.Internal CSS

In this approach, define the CSS style within the <head> tag.

HTML Code:

div {color:tomato;font-weight:bold;}//CSS style defined with in the<head> element
This is Div Tag. Content in Div is in yellow color using inline CSS style.
This is Div Tag. Content in Div is in tomato Red using inline CSS style

3.External CSS

In this approach, create one CSS file with file extension(.css), define the CSS properties inside the file and then include the file inside the HTML page.

1. Create one CSS file and place the file somewhere

 Filename: Style.css

2. Open the Style.css file and add the CSS properties you want to access within the HTML Page

           div {color:tomato;font-weight:bold;}

3. Now open the HTML page, add the below <link> tag to include the style.css file.

<link rel =”stylesheet” href = ”../Style.css”/> // properfile path in the href

Basic CSS style properties

1.Color :

To change the color of the html element text


h1{color: blue;} // h1 header in blue color


To change the background color of the html element


div{background-color: red;} // div with red background


To increase the font size of html element text


p{font-size: 10px;} // to increase the paragraph font size


To change the background image of the html element


div{background-image: url(“imagepath”) // to set image as background


To change the position of the html element text


h1{text-align: center;} // the other options are left and right


To draw a border around the paragraph, div tags etc.

     border; 2px solid blue;
// parameters: border width, border type, border colo

7. Border radius

To draw a round border around the paragraph, div tags, etc.

    border; 2px solid blue;


To control, how to display the HTML element

Span{display:inline;} // show the elements as inline
Ul{display: block;} // show the data as a block
Ui{display: none;} // used to hide the element

9. Width and Height

To increase the width and height of the Html elements (div,p, span etc.)


   width: 100px; // increase the div width horizontally
   height: 50px;  // increase the div height vertically


This blog covered most of the CSS basics including basic syntax, types, and basic properties. 

I hope this helps to a quick start on CSS learning.

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